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Introduction  › Environmental Biotechnology Program
Environmental Biotechnology Program
Environmental biotechnology can be defined as managing microbial communities to provide services to society. Environmental biotechnologists combines engineering approaches with microbiology, molecular biology, and chemistry in order to gain an integrated understanding of how microbial ecosystems work and can be controlled. Environmental biotechnology is therefore particularly suited to tasks such as removal of pollutants from water, wastewater, sediment, or soil, capture of renewable resources, sensing contaminants or pathogens in the environment and protecting the public from dangerous exposure to pathogens.

ITU EnviroBioTech is a leading graduate program in Turkey assuring a multidisciplinary approach for training the next generation of environmental scientists for solving environmental problems through biotechnology. The strength of the program derives from the long-term experience of ITU in Environmental Biotechnology. The program offers master of science and doctoral degrees covering current concepts and technological advances of environmental biotechnology. Although its short history, EnviroBioTech has been providing a multidisciplinary and international platform for advancing the necessary tools for the solution of significant problems in practice. Through research partnerships with similar leading institutions, it has also been playing a key role in establishing both exchange of information, scientists and students and collaborative scientific efforts.