MSc. Program in EnviroBioTech
1. Semester
Core Courses
Earth System Modeling
Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology I
Metabolic Concepts in Environmental Sciences
Elective Courses
Statistical Data Processing
Experimental Characterization of Biological Treatment Systems
Biological Processing of Solid Wastes
Modeling and Design of Anaerobic Treatment Systems
Natural Treatment Systems
System Design for Aerobic Processes
2. Semester
Core Courses
Modeling and Simulation of Biosystems
Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology II
Elective Courses
Research Writing in Environmental Sciences
Bioprocess Technology
Biodegradation of Industrial Wastes
Soil Pollution: Processes and Dynamics
Ph.D. Program in EnviroBioTech
1. Semester
Biological Nitrogen Removal: Theory and Practice
Bulking and Foaming Problems in Biological Treatment Systems
Biochemical Transformations in Anaerobic Treatment
Principles and Application of Ecotoxicology
Microbial Ecology
Modern Scientific Tools in Bioprocessing
Principles of Inhibition in Biological Systems
2. Semester
Microbial Genetics in Environmental Engineering
Mechanism and Design of Biological Phosphorus Removal
Computer Aided Design of Nutrient Removal AS Systems
Special Topics in Environmental Biotechnology
Biofilm Theory and Applications
You can find more information and catalogue forms of courses from this link.